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This web page contains additional material and links to help you learn about the processes, resources, and literature that have brought us to where we are.

To further learn the various aspects of our reality. Bear in mind that word spellings, definitions, even the same words may have different meanings in law. Even capitalizations of some or all the words, or [brackets]  in a document have different meanings.

IRS Director, Steve Miller
Admits taxes are voluntary, 2013

What Happened and Where We are Now
From Anna; March 20, 2021

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Sign In America Site

The American States Assembly Site

The United States of America

Anna Von Reitz

“Evil only survives on our own failure to object to it. As we pause a moment to take in the world that our negligence has created, take a deep breath and say, "I am responsible. It all comes down to me." Say it and mean it, and carry through. If you don't object, you are an accomplice to it.”

Public Notices 
Federal Records

Current Documents

Anna's Corner

Here it is AGAIN --- Why You Don't Have to

File UCC Paperwork and Why I Did

Notice Regarding Named Entities

Notice of Liability

Making History Cancelling Two 1934 Gold Bearer Bonds

Mail a letter for 2 cents video

For those who want the details and the writing, download the pdf below.

Download the document below to share with others.

The Louisiana Assembly
Trifold Flyer

Open Training Calls

Learn to restore our Lawful Government with

Peace and Love

Louisiana Assembly Meetings
2nd & 4th Tuesday

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